Release Notes - Version 8.37
New Features & Improvements
Help Center
This update allows admins to ensure that all new tickets belonging to a specific category are directed to the appropriate maintainers. This can be achieved by choosing the "Assign new tickets to all maintainers" option.
Push Notifications
From now on, when a booking is updated, push notifications will be dispatched to all involved participants, excluding the organizer, the creator, and any external guests.
Fixes & Updates
Fixed: parking spots being displayed even when the parking module is deactivated
Fixed: minor issue with the number of attendees being displayed incorrectly after attendees' removal
Fixed: booking price not being displayed after user checks in
Fixed: users unable to complete a booking after toggling “Booking as someone else” switch on and off
Fixed: Global Admin becoming a booking organizer after editing the booking
Fixed: minor issue with the default booking time not always matching a required minimal booking time
Fixed: booked spaces restricted to certain member groups not being displayed in the booking report
Fixed: minor issue with parking spaces being displayed despite being fully booked