Show/Hide Side Menu
Release date: 07 Sept 2022
Product/Application: Equiem One
System URL:
System Access: Login using your Equiem account. If no role has been associated with your profile, you will see a message that says "You have no role allocated to your profile on this site".
New ↔️ Show/Hide Navigation Menu
It is now easy to hide the navigation to allow users to gain more space to complete their tasks in Equiem One - on big and small screens!
As the user hovers their mouse over the left side navigation menu, it reveals the hide button to collapse the menu. Once this button is clicked, the left side navigation folds.
To re-open the navigation, the user should click on the button again.
On a small resolution screen (small laptop, tablet, mobile), the behavior changes slightly.
When unfolded, the navigation appears superimposed over the page underneath with an option to close the menu at the top right (next to the Equiem One logo).
When folded, the un-collapse button becomes a hamburger menu, once clicked, the navigation unfolds.