Show/Hide Side Menu

Show/Hide Side Menu

Release date: 07 Sept 2022

Product/Application: Equiem One

System URL: one.getequiem.com

System Access: Login using your Equiem account. If no role has been associated with your profile, you will see a message that says "You have no role allocated to your profile on this site".

New  ↔️ Show/Hide Navigation Menu  

It is now easy to hide the navigation to allow users to gain more space to complete their tasks in Equiem One - on big and small screens!

  • As the user hovers their mouse over the left side navigation menu, it reveals the hide button to collapse the menu. Once this button is clicked, the left side navigation folds.

  • To re-open the navigation, the user should click on the button again.



On a small resolution screen (small laptop, tablet, mobile), the behavior changes slightly. 

  • When unfolded, the navigation appears superimposed over the page underneath with an option to close the menu at the top right (next to the Equiem One logo).

  • When folded, the un-collapse button becomes a hamburger menu, once clicked, the navigation unfolds.




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