Content History Widget Update

Content History Widget Update

New Features for the Content History Widget for Workplace Managers

Release date: 22 December 2022

Product/Application: Equiem One


Workplace Managers on Equiem One have the ability to publish/suggest news and events to their workplace and the wider site community via their Content History widget.


Update #1 Renaming the audience

We used to have the "Workplace" and "Building" audiences. The two new audiences are "Workplace" and "Site Community".


Update #2 Workplace Managers can now self-publish events segmented to their workplaces

When we launched the MVP, Workplace Managers could:

  1. Self-publish "News Posts" to their workplaces,

  2. Suggests "News Posts" and "Event Posts" to their site community.

We have now allowed Workplace Managers to self-publish "Event Posts" to their workplaces. Now News and Event posts behave exactly the same.

Update #3 News and Event posts can be allocated a publication date

  1. For Event and News posts that are self published and segmented to their workplaces, Workplace Managers can decide on the publication date and time.

Things to note:

  • If they do not change the publication date and time, the post will be automatically published now.

  • If they select a time or day in the future, the post will only be published then.

  • Workplace Managers still have the ability to amend or delete their post whether it is published or not.

The confirmation modal says:

To give you an example:

Today is the 22nd of December. I have created an event for the 25th of December that I only want to be published tomorrow on the 23rd of December. I have scheduled the post and hit publish. I can now see "Happy End of Year" in my content history, the status is published but the publication date is Dec 23.

  1. For Event and News posts that are suggested and segmented to the Site Community, Workplace Managers can add a "Preferred publication date and time".

Things to note:

  • This "preferred" date and time will have no impact on the actual publication of the post since these posts need to be reviewed and approved prior to being published however it gives the reviewer an indication of the timeline for the post.

  • As a Content approver you might ask, "Will the post be automatically be published if I have not reviewed it before the time selected?". The answer is no, you are in total control of publication dates.

  • Workplace Managers can edit or delete their suggestions until the content approver reviews and publishes the post.

The confirmation modal says:

To give you an exemple:

Today is the 22nd of December. I have created an event for the 19th of January that I only want to be published on the 9th of January. I picked my preferred publication date and hit submit. I can now see "Welcome to 2023 Morning Tea organised by Microsoft" in my content history, the status is Review but the preferred publication date is Jan 9.

As a content approver, I will get the Iris email notification and the in-app notification that the content should be reviewed.

In Iris, I will be able to see the suggested publication date and time but it is up to me as the approver the agree or not to this date and time. If I have too much content scheduled for the 9th, I can decide to update the date.

I have reviewed the post, updated the date to the 4th of January and published the post.


The Workplace Manager will get a notification back and the new publication date will be reflected in their Content History widget to the 4th of January.

Update #4 News and Event posts can be saved as draft

The create News or Event post form now features two option to “Save” the post:

  1. Save & Submit

  2. Save Draft


Things to note:


  • For workplace segmented posts, "Save & Submit" publishes the post as per the chosen publication date and time. "Save Draft" keeps the post as draft.

  • For site community segmented posts, "Save & Submit" sends the post for approval. "Save Draft" keeps the post as draft however it does send an email notification to the Default Iris Post Assignee.

  • The Default Iris Post Assignee will receive an email notification that a post created by a Workplace Manager is in "Draft". I would encourage them to ignore those notifications until they receive the email notification to review the post. Please be careful to check the status of the post. No action is needed when the post says "Draft". Action is needed when the status of the post is "Needs Review"

  • Once the post is saved as draft, the status of the post in the Content History widget says: Draft.

  • The "Publication Date & Time" or "Preferred Publication Date & Time" does not matter when the post is "Draft". The Workplace Manager will always need to come back to it once they are ready to publish the post and confirm the date and time to either now or later.

  • To publish the post, the user just clicks on “Edit”, confirms the "Publication Date and Time" and selects the “Save & Submit” button.

The confirmation modal once the user clicks "Save Draft" indicates the steps to publish/submit the post:

Bonus Release

We have added more icons to personalize your shortcuts on the left side navigation menu.


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