New User Onboarding Widget

New User Onboarding Widget

Release date: 13.04.2023

Product: Equiem One

New User Onboarding Widget for Property and Workplace Managers


This widget is designed to increase the number of registration and fasten new user onboarding by giving Property Managers and Workplace Managers the ability to:

  1. Invite new users to the platform

  2. Pre-assign them roles (if required)

  3. Monitor the status of registration

  4. Send reminders (if the user has not unsubscribed)

  5. Bypass* or speed up account approval if a personal email address is used to invite a user (*for Workplace Managers only)

Key features

The widget includes:

  • An "Invite" button, preventing the need to go to Admin Panel in order to invite new users

  • Tabs sorted by invite status - Pending and Responded:

    • All Invites - where users see everything

    • Pending - the invites have been sent to new users who have not yet registered

    • Responded- the new user has received the invite and registered for the platform

  • Each row displays the invitee's email address, a timestamp for the last invite sent, and the status of the registration. Additionally, each row includes three dots with the following options:

    • Resend Invitation- this will resend the invitation

    • Activity History- this will provide a list of actions taken associated with the invite

    • Approve User - this option is only available for Property Manager to approve registrations with personal emails. Workplace Manager bypass the need to approve the user when they invite them with their personal email.

Important information about assigning roles

Note for all users: adding roles to users is OPTIONAL - only do so if there is a requirement to. "Roles" include segmentation roles created for the site and Equiem One roles (Property and Workplace Managers).

  • Property Managers see all roles specified under "role" in the Taxonomy of Admin Panel for their site.

  • Workplace Managers only see the roles which are marked as "safe" in the Taxonomy of Admin Panel for their site. A Workplace Manager will never be able to assign a Property Manager role.

From today, Customer Success Team Members or Site Managers can log in Admin Panel to decide which roles are deemed as "safe" for Workplace Managers to allocate.

This action needs to be done site by site. By default, all roles will be turned "off" to Workplace Managers.

Important information about inviting new users with their personal email address

  • Workplace Managers are the only users with the ability to bypass account approval when they register a new user with a personal email address.


  • The reason for this is that an invitation sent by a Workplace Manager is associated with their company. If the user being invited registers with their personal email address and selects a different company than the one associated with the Workplace Manager, the registration will fail.

  • This approach allows Equiem to maintain a certain level of control and integrity over the registration process when personal email addresses are being used.

  • Property Managers can invite a user with a personal email address, however, the user's account will still require approval. The "Pending approval" status will show in the widget and the Property Manager will be able to approve the registration directly from the widget.

Approving a user

Property Managers are permitted to invite users using their personal email addresses, but they must approve the account once the user has registered. 

The widget will display the status as "Pending approval" to indicate that action is required. To approve the account, the Property Manager simply needs to click on the three dots and select "Approve Registration."

In cases where the Property Manager is uncertain about whether or not to approve an account, they should first contact the user to verify the circumstances surrounding their registration. 

Alternatively, the Property Manager may contact the person who originated the invitation and request additional information. The Activity History provides a record of all actions related to the invitation and registration process, including information about who initiated the invitation, which can be helpful in resolving any questions or concerns.

Important information regarding what invites are featured ion

  • A Property Manager will see all users that have been invited to the site in addition to their own invites.

    e.g. Helene is a Property Manager at Rialto and Jeremy is a Workplace Manager for the Equiem company at Rialto. Helene will see invites she has created, as well as the ones created by Jeremy.

  • A Workplace Manager will see all users that have been invited for their Company in addition to their own invites.

    e.g. Helene and Jeremy are both Workplace Managers for the Equiem company at Rialto, they will see the same invites in their widget.

Important Note: A user that is both Property Manager and Workplace Manager will see everything.

Step by step walkthrough for inviting new users

To begin inviting one or several users, click on "Invite".

You have the option to:

  1. Option 1 - Enter one or multiple new users by adding them one by one to the modal or,

  2. Option 2 - Click on "Bulk Upload" should you wish to copy/paste multiple emails at once (no limit on numbers).

For Option 1,

  • Enter the user's work email. You will get an immediate error if the format is invalid.

  • Option to assign the user one or several roles by clicking "+Add role".

  • Once you are done adding the emails and roles, click "Invite Users" and you will get a blue toast confirmation that the invites have been sent. You will also see the new entries in your widget. If the user you have added as a tooltip "i" next to the email address, it means this user has a role assigned to them and the tooltip tells you which role(s).

  • If some of the users you are trying to invite already have an account or have already been invited by another user, you will get a notification instead of a toast.

For Option 2,

  • Click on the "Bulk Upload" button to perform a bulk import. *Bulk meaning adding large quantities of invitees at once.

  • Add your list of new user emails into the empty field and select "Upload".

    • Email addresses will need to be separated by a comma or listed one per line.

    • You can copy and paste a column of emails from Excel or Google Sheet. These will get formatted as one per line and easily uploaded.

  • New user emails are then populated on the "Add New Users" page, shown below. As shown previously, you can then bulk assign roles to the new users.

  • You can perform "bulk actions" at once for multiple users (e.g. assigning the same role or deleting some entries all at once).

Bulk action is a powerful tool which is very popular in “complicated product” world. It’s designed to help users finish their tasks quickly and reduce muscle work. In web and mobile applications design, bulk editing is used to support a variety of actions, such as editing, labeling, changing states, moving, or deleting.

  • Once you are done, click on "Invite Users" and you will get a blue toast confirmation that the invites have been sent. You will also see the new entries in your widget.

  • If some of the users you are trying to invite already have an account or have already been invited by another user, you will get a notification instead of a toast.

More on "Bulk Actions"

Bulk action is a powerful tool which is very popular in “complicated product” world. It’s designed to help users finish their tasks quickly and reduce muscle work. In web and mobile applications design, bulk editing is used to support a variety of actions, such as editing, labelling, changing states, moving, or deleting.

You can watch this explainer video as well!https://www.loom.com/share/807e7543e8174019988324fbc4b47f5b

On Tables, we display the elements that enable bulk actions. These are the checkboxes on each row and the table header.

If you select several of these rows, you will see the table header changing to new menu options like "Assign Roles" and "Delete Selected".

  • To assign roles as bulk, select the rows and click on "Assign Roles" and select the roles you would like to assign to all the users selected.

  • To delete users as bulk, select the rows you would like to delete and click on "Delete Selected".

If you want to bulk add roles to a selection of entries with differing previously added roles, it's possible and here is how!

  • Some roles in the dropdown will display with the '-' or 'indeterminate’ in the checkbox, meaning that role is partially-active or active on some of the selected entries, not all. (e.g. Building Manager and Fire Warden below)

  • Any new selections in the roles dropdown will be added to all selected entries. (e.g. Safety Instructor below)

  • If you click on one of the partially active roles, that role will be applied to all selected entries, becoming fully active. (e.g. Fire Warden below)

  • If you click again on a fully active role, that role will become inactive, removing it from all selected entries. (e.g. Building Manager below)

Resending an invite

Property and Workplace Managers have the ability to resend invitations to users who are in a pending registration status. 

The frequency and timing of these ‘resends’ are at the discretion of the managers. However, it's important to note that users who have previously unsubscribed from marketing emails will not receive these emails.

In an upcoming update, we will be adding an "unsubscribed" tag to users who have previously opted out of marketing emails. This tag will prevent the “Resend Invitation” button from being activated for these users.

Activity History

The activity history maintains a comprehensive record of all actions related to user invitations by Property and Workplace Managers. This includes details such as who originally invited the user, who has resent the invitation, and when the user registered. The actions are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent events appearing at the top and the oldest events appearing at the bottom.

By providing this information, the activity history enables Property and Workplace Managers to keep track of all invitation and registration activity. This is particularly useful given that the information in the widget is shared between multiple users, ensuring that all managers stay informed and up-to-date on the status of each user.








I can see all roles in the dropdown of the widget whereas I am logged in as a Workplace Manager.


  • If you have both the Property and Workplace Manager roles associated with your profile, you will see all roles, even when you are on the Workplace Manager view.

  • If you have access to Admin Panel with your user profile, you will see all roles even if you are logged in as a Workplace Manager.

How do I mark a role as "safe" for Workplace Managers?


Log in to Admin Panel, select your site, go to the Taxonomy section and Roles. To mark the role as safe, just toggle on: "Workplace manager can assign role to employee"

What about Equiem One users with no roles, like receptionists? Can they still invite users?


Yes, they can still invite users via their shortcuts in the left hand side navigation.

Can we use the email address provided by the user to pre-fill the email field in the registration form?



Does the email address need to be verified?


Yes this steps remains. Every user need to verify their email address.


Do invites expire?



Please note invites pending expire after 30 days and will no longer show in the widget after this point. Once a user clicks "Resend Invitation" then the count starts back to 30 days.



After 30 days, if an invite remains pending, it will expire and drop-out from the widget. You will have to re-issue an invite for this user if you wish to invite them again.


If some of the users you are trying to invite already have an account or have already been invited by another user, you will get a notification.



My question is, if they are invited (and have a role assigned to them) but you are notified they are already registered, is that role still assigned to them during the process or would we need to manually update the roles for those invited but already registered?


Property Managers see all users invited at a site by other Property Managers and Workplace Managers see all the user invited at their company by other Workplace Managers. Therefore, if you get the notification that a user has already been invited/registered, there is a big chance that, if you search for this user in the widget, you will see what roles have been allocated to this user thanks to the tool tip "i" next to their email address.

  • Good news: The role you wanted to add to this user might have already been assigned to them.

  • Bad news: If it's not the case, there is unfortunately no possibility of adding that role from the widget. The second invite you will have sent does not count. You will need to go to Admin Panel, find this user and add the roles in question.

Can Workplace Manager create their own roles?


No workplace manager do not have access to Admin Panel. They can contact their property team/ site manager and should agree on what segmentation roles could be used holistically for the building i.e. Fire Warden, First Aider etc.

30 days might be too short, is there any reason we couldn't leave them but create an archive?

If you resend an invite, the count goes back to 0 so it resets for 30 days.

If I am assigned a role does the email I receive tell me that and provide an explanation


Yes it does tell you what roles you have access to. The explanation is generic though as we cannot customise the template.

Is there a limitation of how many users can be bulk uploaded ?

No Limit.

Can you revoke the invitations manually or do we have to wait for the 30 day (stale period) ?

Currently you cannot revoke an invitation.

What happens if wrong email is typed in? Does it bounce back

The field will validate if the email is a correctly formatted (e.g. it will show jeremy.kirkham as an error), but a misspelled email would still go through as an invite, but would never actually reach the mailbox of that user.

Can I invite a user who has an existing account at a another site?



e.g. I am a user at Rialto. Can I be invited to Trafalgar Square or will I get a message "this is already registered"?


Yes, you can. Invites are segmented to the site you sent them from. You will not get this message.

Helene is registered at Equiem Tower.

I can invite her at Trafalgar as well.


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