Managing Contractor Companies & Users
Adding Contractor Companies
Open your Tools URL - this may be available as a quicklink in your Equiem platform
In the top menu, go to Admin
Under the General section, click Manage Properties & Occupiers
Click the Pencil icon next to the property you want to manage
Click the Occupiers button, this will open a list of existing occupiers and allow you to add and manage companies
Click Add New
Choose the type of company you want to add to the property. A contractor should be an Associated Company.
Search for the company.
It’s useful to try variations of the name, for example with or without the Ltd to check if they are in the system under a name you don’t expect.
This is important as if you set up a contractor company with a different spelling to any existing one, any users attached to that existing company will not be able to be linked to the company against your building.
If the company exists in the database:
a. Click Pick, this will bring up the company’s details. Confirm this is the right company.
b. Click Save.
If the company doesn’t exist in the database:
a. Click the “Can’t find the company? To add a new one click here”
b. Enter the Name of the company
c. Choose the Business Type - the only options are Retail and Wholesale. It doesn’t matter which option you pick as it doesn’t impact the functionality.
d. Domain email for SSO - please leave this blank
If this field is completed, it will prevent users from logging in successfully.
e. Enter the Address Line 1.
f. Enter the Postal Town.
g. Click Save to apply the changes.
Managing Contractor Users
Open your Tools URL - this may be available as a quicklink in your Equiem platform
In the top menu, go to Admin
Under the General section, click Manage Properties & Occupiers
Click the Pencil icon next to the property you want to manage
Click the Occupiers button, this will open a list of existing occupiers and allow you to add and manage companies
Click the People icon next to the company you want to manage
Click Add New
Enter the email address for the user, and choose a role, click Submit to save.
The user will now have access to your property’s Tools platform.
If the user does not already exist within the system an invite will be sent to them to register. Once they are registered they will have the correct role you have already assigned to them.