Adding an Office Occupier

Adding an Office Occupier

Adding an Office Occupier on the Vicinitee platform:

  1. Open your Tools URL - this may be available as a Quicklink in your Equiem platform

  2. In the top menu, go to Admin

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  1. Under the General section, click Manage Properties & Occupiers

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  1. Click the Pencil icon next to the property you want to manage

  2. Click the Occupiers button, this will open a list of existing occupiers and allow you to add and manage companies

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  1. Click Add New

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  1. Click Add Office Occupier

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  1. Search for the company.

It’s useful to try variations of the name, for example with or without the Ltd to check if they are in the system under a name you don’t expect.

This is important as if you set up a company with a different spelling to any existing one, any users attached to that existing company will not be able to be linked to the company against your building.

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  1. If the company exists in the database:

a. Click Pick, this will bring up the company’s details. Confirm this is the right company.

b. Click Save.


If the company doesn’t exist in the database:

a. Click the “Can’t find the company? To add a new one click here”

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b. Enter the Name of the company

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c. Choose the Business Type - the only options are Retail and Wholesale. It doesn’t matter which option you pick as it doesn’t impact the functionality.

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d. Domain email for SSO - please leave this blank

If this field is completed, it will prevent users from logging in successfully.

e. Enter the Address Line 1.

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f. Enter the Postal Town.

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g. Click Save to apply the changes.

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