A guide to punctuation

A guide to punctuation

Unsure about how to use certain types of punctuation? We've got you covered with the below guide.

The way you use punctuation should be consistent across your platform and used in the correct way. We've put together some guidelines below for common punctuation types and how we recommend using them in your content.

Exclamation Marks (!)
Exclamation marks are a great way for us to emphasise something exciting happening on the platform and it's generally ok to use them more than once in a piece of content.

Example intro: We're so excited to invite you to our Christmas Party!

Example last line: Spaces are limited so RSVP now to avoid missing out!

You should avoid using more than one exclamation mark straight after the other, e.g. See you there!!!

Ellipsis Points (...)
Try to avoid using these, but you can also occasionally use one to signify someone’s words trailing off or the omission of words in quoted speech. There is no space between the last word and the ellipsis, but there should be a space before the next word.

Example: That’s interesting… I’ve never heard it explained that way.

Ampersands (&)
Try to avoid using these in text and headings, unless it’s part of a brand name, such as H&M, or a campaign name such as Lunch & Learn.

Possessive Apostrophes (')

For plurals and words ending in ‘S’ – no extra ‘S’ should be added after the apostrophe.

Example: The mansion was converted into a girls' school.

Example: James’ bag was sitting on his desk.

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