How to write an enticing content excerpt
An excerpt has the power to make your user read a post or avoid it - find out more about how to use it to your advantage here.
An excerpt should be used to expand upon your title and give some insight into what the post will be about. It is often the first thing your users will see – on the homepage and in the newsletter, so it's important it makes them want to read more.
Your excerpt can be no longer than 150 characters and should be punchy to catch the reader's attention, making them want to read more.
Top tips:
Use a call to action such as 'Click here to find out more' or 'Learn more in this help guide'
Rhetorical questions can work well in excerpts such as 'Have you always wanted to learn how to make your own gnocchi? We've got you covered in this guide!'
Don't put anything in the excerpt that isn't true about the article
Avoid writing whole words in capitals or overusing punctuation
Ensure any dates/times you have included are correct
Excerpts are only included on News and Building Information posts