EU GDPR Overview

EU GDPR Overview

In the EU, GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation, and the regulations apply to all companies who handle personal data such as names, email addresses, and company details. This applies to Equiem as all of the above are stored on our platforms. The regulations exist to protect this data, so that it is not stolen or passed to third parties without the consent of the user.

The regulation means that users of the platform:

  • Can expect their data to be stored and handled securely; this is Equiem’s legal responsibility

  • Have the right to understand what data is held about them, and can request this at any time

  • Can request that all their information is removed from the platform

Equiem have a policy in place to ensure that we follow these regulations. If a user has questions about how their personal information is stored, or anything relating to GDPR, please speak to your point of contact at Equiem.

This is important to consider when creating content on the Content Management System, as you must not use any user's personal identifiable information in content such as full name or email address, for example when announcing a competition winner.


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