How to view and edit existing memberships
As a Flex Manager, you can view and edit all existing memberships.
Login to Equiem One and navigate to the Members tab in the left-hand menu.
Here you will see an overview of all memberships including Company, Membership Name, Credit Balance, Expiration Date and Status of the membership.
To search for a specific membership that you would like to view and/or edit, you can use the search bar or the filters (you can filter by site or buildings) in the top right corner.
Once you have found your membership, click the three dots on the far right and select Edit membership
From here you can make the following changes:
Membership name
Change the number of seats to/from limited to unlimited
When switching to limited seats, input the required number of seats and press Save Changes to confirm
Add/remove buildings/levels the membership relates to by selecting them from the drop-down menus.
Available levels and buildings are configured by a Property Manager in Company Settings
Add a Workplace Manager to the membership
Press Save Changes before exiting