How to view and edit existing memberships

How to view and edit existing memberships

As a Flex Manager, you can view and edit all existing memberships.


  1. Login to Equiem One and navigate to the Members tab in the left-hand menu.

Here you will see an overview of all memberships including Company, Membership Name, Credit Balance, Expiration Date and Status of the membership.

Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 11.27.45.png


  1. To search for a specific membership that you would like to view and/or edit, you can use the search bar or the filters (you can filter by site or buildings) in the top right corner.


Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 10.44.52.png


  1. Once you have found your membership, click the three dots on the far right and select Edit membership


  2. From here you can make the following changes:

  • Membership name

  • Change the number of seats to/from limited to unlimited

When switching to limited seats, input the required number of seats and press Save Changes to confirm



  • Add/remove buildings/levels the membership relates to by selecting them from the drop-down menus.

Available levels and buildings are configured by a Property Manager in Company Settings

  • Add a Workplace Manager to the membership

  1. Press Save Changes before exiting

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