Discount Codes Usage Report overview [Vendor]

Discount Codes Usage Report overview [Vendor]


This document provides an overview of the usage report for discount codes from a vendor's perspective in the Store Manager, detailing how to access and interpret the report data.

Accessing the Usage Report

  • To access the report, select 'Discount Codes' from the side menu and then choose 'Usage Report'.

Features and Functionality of the Usage Report

1. Summary of Usage

  • The report offers a summary of both Active and Completed discount codes.

  • You have the option to export data from the report for reconciliation purposes.

2. Export Function

  • An 'Export' button at the top of the table enables exporting all top-level data from the report.

3. Table Layout

  • The report table consists of seven columns:

    • Created: Shows the creation date of the discount code, ordered most recently.

    • Discount Code: Displays the name of the discount code.

    • Site: Indicates which site the discount code belongs to, useful if operating across multiple sites.

    • Value: Specifies whether the discount was a fixed amount or a percentage-based discount.

    • Usage Count: Reveals how many times the discount code has been used.

    • Total Redemption: Indicates the total monetary value covered by the discount code.

    • Order Revenue: Displays the extra revenue generated by orders using the discount code.

4. Navigating the Report

  • The report provides an overview of discount code usage, including details like the number of times a code has been used and the total revenue it generated.

  • The 'Export' feature allows vendors to easily extract this data for further analysis or record-keeping.

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