Discount Codes page overview [Vendor]
This document provides an overview of the Discount Codes page for vendors within the Store Manager, detailing the features and functionalities available.
Access and Features of the Discount Codes Page
1. Accessing the Page
Once you have the necessary permission, a new option will appear in the left menu called 'Discount Codes'.
This menu includes two options: 'Discount Codes' and 'Usage Report'.
2. Default Landing and Navigation
By default, you will land on the 'Discount Codes' option, which can also be accessed directly by clicking it.
3. Tabs for Code Status
The page has three tabs at the top for filtering discount codes based on their status: Active, Inactive, and Completed.
New codes are set to Inactive by default and must be activated to be used.
4. Table of Discount Codes
Selecting a status reloads the table with discount codes matching that status, ordered from most recent to oldest.
The table includes details like creation date, discount code name, value, site, and availability.
5. Site-Specific Discount Codes
Discount codes can be created for specific sites, with the 'Site' column indicating which site the code belongs to.
6. Copying Discount Codes
Discount codes can be copied to the clipboard using the copy icon.
7. Availability Column
The 'Availability' column shows whether the discount code is available at the current time, based on the site's time zone.
8. Time and Date Restrictions
Icons indicate if a discount code is outside its available times due to time and date restrictions.
9. Expanded Row View
Each row has an expandable view for more details, which can be accessed by clicking on it.
This expanded view provides further information about the setup without needing to view the full discount code details.
10. Redemption and Promotional Limits
The table shows redemption limits and whether the discount code has been promoted on the Web and Mobile app.
11. Operations Options
The operations icon provides different options depending on the discount code's status, including editing, viewing, or changing status.
12. Creating New Discount Codes
A button at the top of the form takes you to the discount code creation form, which is covered in subsequent articles.