Using Card ID

Using Card ID



The Card ID feature for Visitor Management has security benefits which allow building receptionists or property managers to track physical access cards that are issued to visitors and export a list of unreturned cards issued which can then be revoked within the building’s access control system.

When enabled, receptionists can pre-allocate Card IDs for pre-booked visitors or add them upon check-in of visitors. For walk-in visitors, receptionists can provide the Card ID via the Checked-In tab of the reception desk.

Cards are marked as returned upon visitor check-out.


Only Property Managers and Workplace Managers can enable / disable Card ID

Using Card ID

  1. Open Equiem One > Visitor Management > Reception View

  2. When issuing a visitor an access card, either for a pre-booked or walk in appointment, fill in the Card ID column with the access card number. Click outside the box to save and check in the visitor if required as usual. For walk in appointments, you will need to head to the Checked In tab to add the Card ID.

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  3. When the visitor leaves, select the Check Out button. You will be prompted to answer if the visitor has returned their card or not.

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  4. You can also change your selection from the meatball menu next to the visitors name if required, for example, if you previously marked that the visitor did not return their access pass but they came back later in the day to hand this in.

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Card ID activity is captured against the Activity History of a visitor within the meatball menu within the Reception View.

  1. If the user returns the card at the end of the day, you will see the Card ID with a green background.

  1. If the user does not return the card, the Card ID field will be grey and you will need to follow your internal procedure to report the card as not returned so it can be deactivated.


Tip: Use the Export CSV button on the Checked Out tab to pull a report on which access cards have not been returned, if required.

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