Visitor Management - Visitor Types & Forgotten Pass

Product: Visitor Management - WebNG & EquiemOne
Release Date: Tuesday 7th May 2024

Roles: Hosts, Workplace Managers, Receptionists.
Summary: Visitor Types & Forgotten Pass
Description: Visitor Types are now captured against appointments for both pre-booked and walk-in visitors. This feature allows for Property Managers to enable for Visitor Type to be activated for all Tenants/Hosts, once enabled, hosts and receptionists creating appointment will have an additional field to select and apply a visitor types for the visitors within an appointment - The release of this feature also enables for individuals who have forgotten their passes to be captured for property management reporting and insights.The ability to reflect visitor types can be done directly when creating a new pre-booked appointment across all platforms or when creating a Walk-In via Equiem One.


Enabling Visitor Types

By default, Visitor Types will be disabled with the Visitor Management settings of Equiem One. This guide will provide an overview of how to enable, configure and use the Visitor Types for your site.

  1. Login to Equiem One as a Property Manager and navigate to the General Settings page within Visitor Management.

  1. Within the General Settings page you will find a new toggle to enable visitor types.



  1. Once enabled, a new section is available to allow for visitor types to managed and configured. A pre-populated list will appear based on the expected and most common visitor types used by clients.

  1. Each visitor type displayed can be edited, deleted or configured to be available for selection on either the pre-booked or walk-in screens. To do so, simply select the required action against the visitor type


You are able to select a default value for a visitor type value that is available on both pre-booked and walk-in pages. This can be set by selecting the lock against 1 of the visitor types.

Changes to Visitor Management Landing Page

  1. With the release of the Visitor Types feature, the landing page has also been update to include a new filter for Visitor Types


  1. The same has also been updated via the .CSV export available through the Visitor Management Landing Page.








When will this feature be available from?

Tuesday 7th May 2024

Where can this be used?

The feature is available on both WebNG and Mobile App for Tenants along with Equiem One.

Who can manage visitor types?

Visitor Types has been placed within the General Settings of Visitor Management - This page is exclusively available to Property Managers.

Will Visitor Types reporting be available?

Visitor Types are going to be updated via the reporting app in due course.