Visitor Management Enhancements [January 2023]

Visitor Management Enhancements [January 2023]

Release date: January 2023

Product/Application: Equiem One/Visitor Management

System URL: Property Managers, Workplace Managers & Receptionists in Equiem One

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Visitor Management Enhancements

Following the launch of our Visitor Management system in October 2022, The Equiem product team is pleased to announce the launch of a series of key enhancements and upgrades to our Visitor Management product.

What is Visitor Management?

  • Visitor Management enables registered site users (Employees, Tenants) to be able to create visitor appointments and send invitations to visitors, providing further information related to their upcoming site visit.

  • Visitor Appointments created through the Visitor Management product will be reflected against an associated reception desk within Equiem One. This capability is to allow for visitors to be processed swiftly through building receptions (Receptionists) to their respective meeting hosts' demised area. 

  • The Visitor Management system allows for both building level and tenant level receptions to be created against a building and additional controls to manage the registered users access to the visitor management module (Property Managers & Workplace Managers).

Summary of new features:

This release of Visitor Management provides the following features and capabilities:

  • Card ID tracking

  • Export CSV for reception desk view

  • Building information for visitor emails

  • Additional fixes/enhancements

Card ID tracking

Receptionists are now able to track physical access cards that are issued to visitors.

Once enabled, receptionists can pre-allocate Card ID’s for pre-booked visitors or add them upon check-in of visitors.

For walk-in visitors, receptionists can provide the Card ID via the Checked-In tab of the reception desk.

Cards are marked as returned upon visitor check-out.

CSV exports

Users with access to a Reception Desk are now able to export the raw visitor appointment data to a CSV for further offline analysis.

Exports include all appointments for a given day - The date picker can be used to generate CSV export for previous/future dates.

Exports include 1st check-in event and last check-out event for each visitor with date/time of event.

Exports include Card ID Inputs if enabled.

Building Information for Visitor Emails

Property Managers can now provide information per building which is subsequently included in all future emails sent to visitors.

We’ve added the ability to link out to third party sites/documents to support building processes specific to visitors attending their buildings (Examples: Car Parking information, building security information, fire and evacuation information etc)

Additional fixes/enhancements:

This release of Visitor Management provides the following additional fixes and enhancements:

  • The location displayed within visitor appointment emails now uses the building address for campus style sites. For single building sites, the site address is used.

  • Building notes field now updates to only include the building - Previously this used to update to show both the site and building which caused confusion when the site and building name were identical.

  • UI Improvements to Tooltips on WebNG.

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