Status Overview

Status Overview

From the My Dashboard or All Content sections you can see that each post has a status, it will have one of the below.

Each status has an accompanying colour which shows as a bar along the bottom of the preview, and around the box containing the status.

  • Draft (dark grey) - a new post that hasn’t been published. It could be incomplete or a work in progress

  • Needs Review (red) - requires approval before it can be published

  • Published (green) - content can be viewed on the platform, as of the date and time specified in the post

  • Published & Proofed (purple) - content that is published and has been confirmed for copying. A post cannot be copied unless its status is set to Published & Proofed

  • Previously Published (light grey) a post that has been published and is now unpublished, and no longer visible. You can only choose this status by selecting Unpublish next to the Edit button. A piece of content will also change to the Previously Published status if an expiry date was added and has now passed.

If your content needs to be signed off by someone else before it’s published, you can set the status to Needs Review. Then you can assign it to the person who authorises your content, they will receive an email notification and a link to the post.

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