General Web FAQs

General Web FAQs

Q: What browser versions are supported for website access?
A: We support the latest 2 versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge. Equiem recommends Chrome. 

Q: Is the website compatible with mobile platforms?  
A: The web application itself is responsive and will work on a mobile device, however we recommend the use of our native iOS and Android apps for the true mobile experience. Equiem One is mobile responsive however the best experience is on web.

Q: Does website require any IE plugins?
A: No. Please note as per our browser support policy, we support Edge. 

Q: Do I need different log in credentials for each Equiem system?
A: No, all of the various platform services from Equiem use a single login system, including Mobile, Web, Content Management, Admin Panel, Reports, etc. 

Q: What is the estimated bandwidth/data per transaction/session? 
A: 300KB/page view 

Q: Can the website use Google, LinkedIn or Facebook logins? 
A: No. Due to the data sharing policies of these systems and the impact on T&Cs and Privacy Policy management, we do not allow using any of these companies for logins.

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