Changing the status of discount codes
Changing the status of discount codes
Purpose of the Document
This guide provides instructions for changing the status of discount codes in the Store Manager.
Initial Status of New Discount Codes
Newly created discount codes are set to the 'Inactive' status by default.
These codes must be activated before they can be used.
Changing Status of Discount Codes
1. Changing to Active Status
Click on the 'Operations' icon to open the menu.
For an inactive discount code, select 'Activate' to change its status to active.
2. Completing an Active Discount Code
For an active discount code, select the 'Complete' option to change its status to completed.
A confirmation modal will appear; click 'Yes' to proceed.
Once completed, the code moves to the 'Completed' tab and cannot be reactivated.
3. Viewing Completed Discount Codes
Completed discount codes cannot have their status changed.
The only option available in the menu is to view the details of the discount code setup.