Editing a discount code

Editing a discount code

Purpose of the Document

This guide outlines the process for editing discount codes in the Store Manager, with different options available depending on the status of the discount code.

Editing Process Based on Discount Code Status

1. Editing an Active Discount Code

  • To edit an active discount code, select the 'Operations' menu and choose the 'Edit' option.

  • Certain elements cannot be changed for an active discount code, including the format, value, and code name.

  • Other parts of the form, including the remaining limits, can be adjusted as needed.

  • Remember to save the form after making changes.

2. Editing an Inactive Discount Code

  • Inactive discount codes offer more flexibility for editing. All aspects of the discount code can be changed.

  • These can also be deleted if you wish to start from scratch or remove the code entirely.

  • To edit, click 'Edit', or to delete, choose 'Delete'. Note that deleted discount codes cannot be restored.

3. Completed Discount Codes

  • Completed discount codes cannot be edited.

  • However, you can view the setup of a completed discount code by clicking on the 'View' option.

  • All parts of the form will be displayed in a greyed-out, non-editable format in this view.

Additional Features

  • Configuration History: The bottom of the form includes a Configuration History section, tracking changes made to the discount code and identifying who made them.

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