Visitor Management - Enhancements [February - April 2023]

Visitor Management - Enhancements [February - April 2023]

Release date: February - April 2023

Application: Visitor Management

Product: Equiem One/WebNG

System URL: Property Managers, Workplace Managers & Receptionists in Equiem One

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Visitor Management Enhancements

Period: February - April 2023

This update provides an overview of the features and enhancement implemented within the Visitor Management system for the period February - April 2023.

What is Visitor Management?

  • Visitor Management enables registered site users (Employees, Tenants) to be able to create visitor appointments and send invitations to visitors, providing further information related to their upcoming site visit.

  • Visitor Appointments created through the Visitor Management product will be reflected against an associated reception desk within Equiem One. This capability is to allow for visitors to be processed swiftly through building receptions (Receptionists) to their respective meeting hosts' demised area. 

  • The Visitor Management system allows for both building level and tenant level receptions to be created against a building and additional controls to manage the registered users access to the visitor management module (Property Managers & Workplace Managers).

Summary of new features:

This release notification of Visitor Management covers the details and capabilities related to the following features:

  • Multi-Day Appointments

  • Visitor Email Banner Override

  • Bulk Upload Visitors

  • Card ID Tracking for Walk-In Visitors

  • Pass Printing

  • Additional Fixes/Enhancements

Multi-Day Appointments

What is Multi Day Appointments?

Available on both Web & Mobile, this feature allows users to:

  • Create a multi-day appointment up to 2 weeks after the initial appointment date

  • Set the required dates over the multi-day period with individual date and time selection

  • Single email to visitors for new multi-day appointments

  • If enabled, visitors will receive a digital access pass for the next appointment 24 hours prior to the start time.

How to create a Multi Day Appointment?

A new “Add Another Date” button is available on the Create New Appointment screen for Visitor Management.



Who can create Multi Day Appointments?

  • All Visitor Management users

Visitor Email Banner Override

What is Visitor Email Banner Override?

Property Managers are now able to provide a unique, tailored visitor experience based on the building they are being invited to visit.

This feature enables property managers to provide an alternative header/footer image for emails sent to visitors from the visitor management system.

Supported formats are PNG, JPG or GIF. Maximum file size is 4MB and the recommended width is 600px.

If no Image is provided then the visitor emails will default to what is provided in Admin Panel.

How do I set this up?

Equiem One > Visitor Management > Settings > Building Settings



Who can setup and manage this?

  • Property Managers

Bulk Upload Visitors

What is Bulk Upload?

The bulk upload feature, allows Equiem One users to easily upload upto 200 visitors for upcoming visitor appointments. Equiem One users can access a .csv template, before populating and uploading their visitor lists with additional validation checks of the visitor information identified. Alternatively, user are also able to simply copy/paste directly from Excel or Google Sheets.


How to use Bulk Upload?

A new “Bulk Upload” button is available on the Create New Appointment screen for Visitor Management.

Who can use Bulk Upload?

  • Property Managers

  • Workplace Managers

  • Receptionists (Coming Soon)

Card ID Tracking for Walk-In Visitors

What is Card ID for Walk In Visitors?

Following the recent release of Card ID Tracking, the feature has now been extended to also allow for Card ID’s to be provided for Walk In Visitors.

Card IDs provided for walk in’s follow the same behavior as pre-booked visitors.

How to setup Card ID Tracking?

Equiem One > Visitor Management > Settings > Reception Settings.

If a reception already has Card ID enabled, it will be automatically available for new walk in’s.


Who can setup Card ID Tracking?

  • Property Managers

  • Workplace Managers

Pass Printing

What is pass printing?

Reception’s can now enable for passes to be printed for visitors.

Pass printing can be used for visitor badges with or without mobile access control integrations.

Buildings that have access controls integrations setup will see the same mobile pass being available as a printed pass.


How to enable pass printing?

Equiem One > Visitor Management > Settings > Reception Settings.


Who can setup pass printing?

  • Property Managers

  • Workplace Managers

Additional fixes/enhancements

During the period of February - April 2023, the Visitor Management system had some additional fixes and enhancements to improvement the overall user experience and module performance. This includes:

Users with access to reception desks will be able to get an on-screen alert when updates are made by other users processing visitors through reception desks.


  • A new visitor is added to the screen the user is viewing (e.g. another user creates a walk-in or new appointment)

  • Visitor information is updated on the page the user is on (e.g. card id added)

UI/UX Enhancements

  • Reduce the width of "Check In" and "Check Out" buttons across all reception desks to provide additional space for entry of Card ID values.

  • We've changed the way visitor lists load on reception desks to reduce the page load times, this enabled for a smoother check-in / check-out of visitors for receptionists ensuring they can swiftly process visitors through busy building lobby areas.

  • Removal of "Export CSV" text label to match styling across rest of reception desk user interface.

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