Visitor Management - Proxy Appointments on WebNG/Mobile & Check-In Notifications Update

Product: Visitor Management - Equiem One, Web & Mobile
Release Date: Thursday 16th May 2024

Roles: Appointment Organisers & Hosts, Workplace Managers, Property Managers.
Summary: Proxy Appointments on WebNG/Mobile & Check-In Notifications Update
Description: This feature will see further flexibility applied to Check In notifications sent from the Visitor Management module along with an expansion to the features available in WebNG and Mobile. This release includes the following benefits to Visitor Management users:

  • Workplace Managers can now provide an email address against a Tenant reception which once provided, will receive check-in notifications for their companies visitors.

  • WebNG and Mobile App users are now able to create proxy appointments on behalf of other employees within their Company.

  • Expansion to manage Check In notifications for both the Host and Organiser are now available on Web, Mobile and Equiem One.


Tenant Reception Check-In Notifications

Workplace Managers can now provide an email address against a Tenant reception which once provided, will receive check-in notifications for their companies visitors. The below guide provides further guidance on how to use the new feature:

  1. Within Equiem One, navigate to the Visitor Management module settings and locate the tenant reception within the Receptions page as highlighted below, click edit against the tenant reception for which you would like to add an email address against to receive all visitor Check Ins notifications.

  1. A new section has been implemented for “Check In Notifications”, to add a new email address simply click Add Recipient

  1. Provide the email address(es) for which all Visitor Check In notification should be sent to.

  2. Click Save.

  3. Hosts and Organisers are advised of Check In notifications being sent to a member of their company when creating an appointment on Web, Mobile and Equiem One

Email Address for Check In notifications can be managed and updated at any time by Workplace Mangers within Equiem One.

Proxy Appointments in WebNG & Mobile

WebNG and Mobile App users are now able to create proxy appointments on behalf of other employees within their Company.

  1. Within Web and Mobile, when creating a new appointment, a new meatball menu has been Implemented to Change the Host of an appointment

  1. When changing the host, you’ll be able to select another registered user from your company or add a new host by providing the requested information

Organiser Check-In Notifications

Expansion to manage Check In notifications for both the Host and Organiser are now available on Web, Mobile and Equiem One.

  1. Once a new host has been selected within Web, Mobile or Equiem One, you’ll be able to manage and set the desired check in notifications for hosts and organiser of the appointment.

Check In notifications for both the host and organiser can be managed up until the visitor appointment Date and Time.






When will this feature be available from?

Thursday 16th May 2024

Where can this be used?

The changes outlined are available on Web, Mobile and Equiem One.