

The Content Management System is split into a number of tabs, definitions for each can be found below:


All Content - all content that exists for this landlord or management company. This means you will be able to see all content for your platform, and also for any other sites with an Equiem platform that are owned or managed by the same company

Content Layout - here you will be able to reorder and manage how content appears in the Building Information, Homepage Carousels and Quick Links sections

My Dashboard - when a piece of content is assigned to you, it will appear in this section. This is a good way of seeing what posts you’re currently working on

Segmented Content - here you will be able to see all content which is currently segmented to a particular audience on your platform

View campaign templates and live campaigns. Complete our Campaigns training module for more information on this

Create and send newsletters, single-post notifications, push notifications, email notifications and SMS notifications. Manage any draft or scheduled communications via the In Progress tab and view results of sent communications in the Sent tab. Note that this section also contains communications for any other sites with an Equiem platform that are owned or managed by the same client.

Depending on your level of access, you can amend settings for your site including Users, RSS feeds and Tasks.

Note: Campaigns and Communications are permission-based, so if you don't have the required permissions you won't be able to see these tabs in your menu. 

If you do not have access to a tab you think you need please notify us at support@getequiem.com.

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