What is a Newsletter?

What is a Newsletter?

Under the Communications menu in our CMS, you can create newsletters featuring 2 to 8 pieces of platform content to advertise to your platform audience to promote what's happening onsite, the latest retail or development updates, events taking place, interest reads, and more.

All NewsEvents, and Building Info content created in the Content Management System can be shared with your community via a Newsletter. 

Your newsletters can also be segmented to a specific user group for more targeted communications.

We recommend sending at least one and no more than three newsletters per week. We've found that the best days and times to send a newsletter are Tuesdays or Wednesdays at 9am or Thursdays at 2pm, though you can schedule your newsletter for any day or time.

For UK: Please note that newsletters will only be sent to users who have Opted In when signing up or in their User Profile. In APAC and the US, the newsletters will be sent to all users who have not unsubscribed.

Your Newsletter will be branded to your site (see an example below). If you wish to change the branding for your platform, you can update it in Site Settings.

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