Accepting Orders

Accepting Orders

Open the Store Manager. By default, you will land on the Orders page.

If a new order has come in since you last visited this screen, a blue notification banner will be shown at the bottom. Select Refresh in order to display the new order.

The new order will be shown on the dashboard with a snapshot of the customer details and what was ordered. At this stage you can also accept the order, via the Accept Order button at the bottom of the order window.

Alternatively, you can click on the order for a more detailed view. You can then select the Accept Order button at the top. Or using the button at the bottom.


To close the expanded order window, select the X icon in the top right-hand corner.

The new order will be shown on the Current and New dashboard. To navigate between the two, simply click on the required option. The selected dashboard will be highlighted with a grey background.Once you have accepted the new order, it will be copied over to the In Progress dashboard. The status colour will also change, from amber to green, on both the Current and In Progress dashboards. The order will remain on the Current dashboard until it has been Completed. Any new orders that have come in since, will be displayed as amber.

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