Cancelling Orders
There are many reasons you may need to cancel an order, for example, you've just become aware that the product has run out of stock.
Open the Store Manager. By default, you will land on the Orders page.
Click on the order you want to cancel to expand it for more details. You can only cancel orders that have already been accepted. You can reject orders, if they haven't yet been accepted. See the other tutorials to learn how to complete this.
You'll be taken to the detailed order view, once you've selected the order you want to cancel. The order can be cancelled, by clicking the Cancel order button, at the top of the order window.
Alternatively, you can cancel an order by clicking the 3 menu dots on the order and selecting Cancel order.
In both instances, you will be asked to confirm that you want to cancel the order.
Upon confirmation, a notification will be sent to the customer, advising them that the order was rejected.
The order will be moved from the Current dashboard, to the Done dashboard.
To view cancelled orders, click on the Done dashboard. The cancelled order is displayed here and highlighted with a black background. Click on the order if you need to view further details.