Shareable Content

Shareable Content



The Shareable Content feature allows you to share content with non-registered users. It can be used to share platform content on social media channels or directly with occupiers in an email, for example.

The feature enables you to make the following formats of content accessible to non-registered users:

  • Event Posts

  • News Posts

  • Building Information Posts


Certain parts of the content are restricted to non-registered users. Non-registered users will not be able to comment or RSVP to events, nor can they comment on News Posts.

Event Posts must be single occurrence events when they are made shareable. If you add additional occurrences to an Event Post, you will no longer be able to make it shareable.

Content that belongs to a Campaign cannot generate a Shareable Content link whilst it still belongs to the Campaign. To make a piece of Campaign content shareable, you must first remove it from the Campaign. You can do this by clicking the 3 dots on the piece of content and selecting Remove. This will remove the content from the campaign it is associated with and allow you to generate the Shareable Content link.

You only need to follow this step for content that has been Activated as part of a Campaign.

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Configuring Shareable Content

When creating either a News, Event or Building Information post in the Content Management System, you will be presented with a checkbox to Make content shareable. This is also an option after you have created a piece of content.

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Making the content shareable on a new piece of content
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Making the content shareable on an existing piece of content

Generating the Shareable Content Link

Once you have selected the checkbox to make the content shareable, you will then need to:

  1. Assign the content to your chosen site

  2. Ensure the content is set to Published or Published & Proofed status

  3. Save the content

Once the content has been added to a site, saved and published, you’ll be shown a link icon next to the site which is your shareable link. The shareable link is unique to that site.

Click the link and it will save the shareable link to your clipboard.

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The content is then accessible to anyone who has access to the shareable link or regular registered users.

If a regular user clicks on the shareable link, they will be redirected to the regular content.

Viewing Shareable Content

Shareable content is web based but it’s available to view on both Web and Mobile. If a user clicks the shareable content link on a mobile device, they will be directed to the responsive web version of the content.

If a user chooses to register for the platform from the shareable content, they will be prompted to register using the web based registration process.

An example of a shareable event post can be seen below:

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There are some differences between the shareable content and the regular event post:

  1. A message is displayed at the bottom of the post, prompting non registered users to register for the platform

  2. Non registered users can like the content but are shown a modal message if they try to comment or RSVP for an event

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  1. The Trending and Comment sections at the bottom of the post are hidden

Shareable Content Reporting

Data is recorded for the following interactions on shareable content:

  1. Page Views

  2. Content Likes

  3. Registrations as a result of registering via shareable content

Whilst all of the above will count towards the general engagement for the site, the data is being attributed to non-registered users and will be recognised within reporting as such. This will enable it to be distinguished from registered user engagement.

Video Guide







How do I enable this feature?

As long as you have the permission to create content in the Content Management System, you can access this feature.

Do I get a shareable link for each site I associate the content with?

Yes. The link is unique to the site and domain.

What happens if I’m a registered/logged in user and I click on the shareable link?

You’ll be redirected to the regular version of the content.

What happens if I make content shareable and then untick it as being shareable at a later date?

The content will no longer be available via the shareable link. Users trying to access the link will receive a message that reads ‘This content does not exist or is no longer available’.

Why can’t non-registered users comment or RSVP to an event?

In order to RSVP to an event, a user needs to be registered so we can collect their details. The buttons to RSVP and comment will be greyed out on shareable content for non-registered users.

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