General Troubleshooting

General Troubleshooting

Q: What does this error message mean?


A: Typically, this error message occurs when you have tried to access an expired or incorrect link. This may be because you have used an old bookmarked link. Please check the link you are trying to access is correct.

It can also be because of a service outage. In this case, we track the error automatically and recommend trying again shortly. If you are still having issues, please log a support ticket.

Q: What does this error message mean?

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A: It may mean that the poll is not ticked on to the correct site or is published after the date/time you are trying to view it. Check that you have embedded the correct poll, it is ticked to your site and you have published it, then refresh the page. If the issue persists, please log a support ticket here.

Q: I published a poll but I can’t see it on the platform, why?
A: A poll must be embedded in another piece of content before you can see it on the platform, it is not a standalone piece of content. Please refer to our guide here.

Q: Why am I seeing the error message ‘There are no receptions available to you at this site’ on the Visitor Management System.
A: Ensure you have set up the tenant receptions correctly for the company you are booking a visitor for. You can see how to do this here.

Q: Why I am I seeing the below error messages when adding products on the Store Management System?

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Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 12.27.10.png

A: Please make sure you have added a Delivery Method in addition to a Turnaround Time in the Site Settings section of Store Management. This applies for all product types (Bookable products and standard).

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