End User FAQs

End User FAQs

Q: How does a user reset their password?
A: On the login screen, there is a Forgotten Password button, they should click this to receive an email to reset their password.

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A password reset email can also be sent from within the user profile in User Settings

Q: How does a user add interests to their profile?
A: These are added in the user’s profile. See here for more information.

Q: Why can’t a user place a booking?
A: It may be because the time, date or resource type they have searched for is not available.

Q: Why isn’t a payment going through?
A: Check the payment method is valid

Q: Why have I received an ‘Account Blocked’ email?
A: This occurs when a user tries to log in with an incorrect password multiple times in quick succession. Our system thinks this is an attempt by a bot and so places a temporary block on the account. Please try again later and if the issue persists, contact our support team here.

Q: Are special characters supported in passwords?
A: Yes

Q: What is the process for replying to comments/complaints on the platform?
A: This should be decided internally, however we recommend acknowledging the comment asap by replying and advising the user you are looking into it. You can then reply to the comment saying you will email the user will a follow up and incorporate full details in the email, closing the loop on the platform. If applicable, you might like to share the full response on the platform if you feel it will benefit other users e.g if a user asks what the cycle hire process is.

You can find email addresses for users who have left comments on the platform by opening the content in the CMS and selecting Comment Report.

Q: What happens when users are ‘auto-deactivated’ and then the user(s) try to login?
A: A user will need to go down the registration route to gain access again. If they try to log in with the same credentials, they will see an error saying they don’t have access to that site.

Users will need to register with the same email address, company and password, and they will be logged in successfully. If they use the same email but wrong password, they will receive an error message (as below) and an email asking them to reset their password.

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