Roles, Permissions & Approvals FAQs

Roles, Permissions & Approvals FAQs

Q: I, or a member of my team, need the ability to create content on the app, how do I coordinate this?

A: Content Management permissions must be assigned by the Equiem team at the current time.

Please submit a Support request and indicate the following details:

  • The name(s) and email address(es) of the people requiring access

  • Which site(s) they require access to

  • Which level of permission they should be granted: Content Contributor, Content Editor, Content Admin

Q: I, or a member of my team, need access to view the Reporting dashboards, how do I coordinate this?

A: Reporting dashboard access must be assigned by the Equiem team at the current time.

Please submit a Support request and indicate the following details:

  • The name(s) and email address(es) of the people requiring access

  • Which site(s) they require access to

Please note that Reporting access is only available at a client portfolio level, so users of the dashboards will see data related to all sites across a client’s portfolio with an Equiem platform even if they look after just one property.


Q: I, or a member of my team, need access to manage the Marketplace, how do I coordinate this?

A: Any existing Site Manager for the Marketplace can assign new Site Managers.

Simply open the Store Manager, visit Site Settings, and scroll down to the User Management section and click Add User.

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Enter the email address of the person requiring access, and confirm the permissions you want them to have. Click Invite to save the changes and send an email to the individual letting them know that they are now a Site Manager.


Q: I’d like to approve content written by my team before it is published on the app, how do I do that?

A: Your team can assign content to the nominated approver in the Content Management System, and set the Status as needs review. The nominated approver will receive an email notification advising them that they have content assigned to them. This content will then be visible to them on the “My Dashboard” page on the Content Management System.

You can see our guides on assigning content and content statuses here.


Q: I’ve heard I’m responsible for approving new users, what does this mean?

A: The property management team are responsible for approving new users for the app.

For Commercial (Office/Retail) users, this is required when the person has not used an approved work email address when signing up.

For Residential users, this is required for all new registrations as they are associated with a particular apartment and need to be authorised as the owner or occupier of that property.

Anyone with the role Property Manager will receive an email notification advising them that there is a new user requiring approval. The Property Manager role is the admin for the whole site, and cannot be narrowed down to individual building(s) at the current time.

You can see our guide on approving or deactivating users here.


Q: Who is notified when a new content post is created by a Workplace Manager? Can multiple people be notified?

A: When a Workplace Manager creates content and indicates that it should be made available to the Site Community (a.k.a. everyone on the app, not just for their own company), the Default Iris Assignee will receive a notification by email letting them know a new post has been submitted for approval.

The assignee is a single email address, and if you’d like multiple people to be notified of new content, you should ensure that this email address is a shared mailbox or a group in your system.

You can see our guide on approving content created by Workplace Managers here.



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