Visitor Management System FAQs

Visitor Management System FAQs

Q: Does the Visitor Management system support Printed Passes with QR Codes?
A: The Equiem Visitor Management System supports the ability to have access passes delivered in the format of a QR Code or Barcode either via email to visitors or printed on to passes upon visitor arrival/check-in.

Q: Can I edit the email content that goes out with a visitor invite?
A: The Equiem Visitor Management System supports the ability for hosts to provide direct instructions to visitors for each appointment when creating the appointment. Alternatively, the system also allows for Property Managers to include additional guidance/information to visitors regarding any building related information that might be required, for example, the location of the visitor car park.

Q: Can only registered users be made receptionists?
A: Only registered users can be added to a reception desk, this is to ensure that the user is verified and validated through registration using their company email address.

Q: How can I add a new receptionist to a reception in the Visitor Management System?
A: You add them in the settings for the required reception.

Q: Who can create a reception in the Visitor Management System?
A: The Property Manager can create both building and tenant receptions via Equiem One. The Workplace Manager can create only their tenant reception via Equiem One.

Q: Why is the visitor email address not mandatory?
A: The Visitor Management systems provides flexibility for the end user by​ ​not making the visitor email address a mandatory field, the purpose of this is so that hosts can continue to use their personal/corporate email accounts to invite visitors whilst still informing Building Reception of visitors that are expected to visit the building preventing a duplication of emails being sent. Visitor Emails for upcoming visitor appointments can still be sent from the Visitor Management System if the user chooses.

Q: If multiple visitors arrive in a short space of time does this get combined into a single email for the host?
A: Currently a check-in notification (If set when creating an invite) is sent to the host via email on each occasion a visitor is checked in through a corresponding reception desk​. For appointments with a high volume of visitors, it is recommended to remove the check-in notifications.

Q: If a walk-in visitor's email address gets captured by the receptionist will they get an email with a QR code?
A: Yes, providing there is barrier access enabled.

Q: When do visitors receive their emails which contain an access pass?
A: Emails are sent to visitors which include a digital QR Code/Barcode 24 hours before the appointment start time. If the tenant reception has enabled “Send Pass on Check In” then the email is sent upon check-in with a member of the reception team upon arrival.

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