Content Management System FAQs
Q: What is the maximum number of Building Information posts I can add to my platform?
A: For performance reasons, the maximum number of posts is 80.
The web platform will load the first 36 posts automatically as you scroll, then you will be provided with a Load More button. On Mobile, there is no pagination in place so all building information posts will be loaded in one go.
Q: What is the maximum number of downloads I can add to a post?
A: You can add up to 100 downloads to a post.
Q: Why isn’t my hyperlink working in content?
A: Check you have used the https format, otherwise links won’t work from some Android phones. Ensure you have copied the correct link.
If you are linking to another area of the platform, ensure you have used a dynamic link and not a URL hyperlink, otherwise the link won’t open in the app.
Q: Who approves the Community Contribution content submitted by Workplace Managers?
A: The designated user set in Site Settings (Admin Panel) under Site Configuration > General > Default Iris post assignee. This can be updated if required.
Q: How do I use The Hub Library or Activated Library?
A: For customers who have an Engage package with us, our content template libraries provide templates and editorial content that you can copy to your platform. Please see our guide on copying content here and copying/activating campaigns here.
Q: Can a user see other users' responses to a free text poll?
A: No, they will just see a message that says ‘Thanks for taking part’ and the option to dismiss the message. If you have configured the poll so that users can answer more than once, they will have the option to answer again.
Q: Why can’t I see the Campaign I have activated?
A: Check that you first copied it to your CMS client before activating. An activated campaign does not get published automatically, you will still need to change the content status to Published/Published & Proofed before it will appear on your platform. Follow the steps here.
Q: If a Workplace Manager creates and shares content for their company only, do Property Managers get notified of this?
A: No, however you can see this in the Content Management System if you filter the content category by Community Contribution. Content that is added for a Workplace Manager’s company only will show as being segmented.
Q: Can I embed a video in my content?
A: Yes, however, the video will need to be hosted on a third party video platform such as YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia. You can embed the video by pasting the link directly into the body section of your content.
Q: Why can’t I see my event on the Featured feed?
A: Events on the Featured feed are ordered based on the event date as opposed to the publish date so it might be because the date of the event is further in the future and you need to scroll further down the feed to see it. If you still can’t see your event in the feed, check you have ticked ‘Featured Event’ in the Content Management System, and that you have published the content with a publish date/time that is not in the future.
Q: How do I reorder my content?
A: News posts in the Featured or News feed are ordered based on publish date, with the most recently published displaying first. Reordering content in these feeds can be achieved by changing the publish dates on the posts in the CMS to align with the order you would like the posts to display in the feeds.
Event posts are published based on the date of the event, so you won’t be able to reorder these.
To learn how to reorder content in a Custom Content Feed, see our guide here.
To learn how to reorder Building Information posts, see our guide here.
To learn how to reorder Quicklinks, see our guide here.
Q: Why can’t I see my content on the app?
A: If you can't see your content on the front end, there are a few things to check within the Content Management System:
Is the content set to either a Published or Published & Proofed status?
If the content is an event post, is the date of the event in the future?
Is the publish date correct?
Has the content been ticked on to your site?
Is the content segmented to an audience that you are not in?
Q: If I include a piece of content that is segmented to a specific audience in my non segmented newsletter, will all users be able to see that content?
A: Yes. If you include a segmented piece of content in your newsletter and then send the newsletter to all users, all users will be able to see the segmented piece of content. However, when they click on the content from the newsletter, they will not be able to access it.
We recommend sending separate newsletters per audience to address this.